This 8th Innov-Agri show brought together 250.exhibitors, 400 brand names and 1,000 machines on the grounds of the agricultural school at Ondes (near Toulouse) to show off their products for use in agriculture, which has become increasingly precise, sustainable and efficient.
The Innov-Agri event, which attracted 34 000 visitors this year, i.e. an increase 5. % compared with the previous year, is recognised for its subtle combination of static and dynamic presentations, plant displays, new products and undertakings to offer even more practical advice.
This 8th Innov-Agri show brought together 250.exhibitors, 400 brand names and 1,000 machines on the grounds of the agricultural school at Ondes (near Toulouse) to show off their products for use in agriculture, which has become increasingly precise, sustainable and efficient.
The Innov-Agri event, which attracted 34 000 visitors this year, i.e. an increase 5. % compared with the previous year, is recognised for its subtle combination of static and dynamic presentations, plant displays, new products and undertakings to offer even more practical advice.
This year, Innov-Agri featured the crop production of Occitania and New Aquitaine with six theme villages: agroecology, grape vines, maize (corn), legumes, advice and irrigation.
We met irrigation professionals who, generally-speaking, were satisfied with the show. The first day was very dynamic for them but the second one a little less so. The pivot manufacturers were a little disappointed, having made very few sales at the show. The hose-reel manufacturers made a few sales because many farmers in the South-west are going organic, so they have bought small hosereel machines to irrigate their small plots of 3 or 4 hectares. Finally, the manufacturers and farmers are rather concerned about the droughts, which are becoming more and more frequent. The government announced that they would be building water reservoirs but it will take three years to achieve this. In the meantime, what will happen over the next three years?
On the product side, Lindsay presented FieldNet Pivot Watch, a solution for keeping an eye on their pivots 24/7. Senninger offered a modified version of the I-Wob2. Equipped with a protective shroud, which also acts as a nozzle-holder, the new I-Wob 2 is better able to withstand harsh operating conditions; Bauer presented its Compact Rain Star A hose reel range, specially designed for the irrigation of golf courses, sports fields and parks and gardens. Solem has its Canopy system, which enables the farmers to control their irrigation systems remotely (LoRa™ technology). Finally, we were able to discover a new product from Aqua 4D, a Swiss company that has developed an innovate system that uses electromagnetic frequencies to deal with, on a permanent basis, the undesirable elements of irrigation water.
Innov-Agri looks forward to seeing you at the next show to be held on 7th to 9th September 2010 at Outarville in the Loiret region.