The TVDD series of double-element filters combines high quality in-depth filtration with a unique flushing mode.

Loyal to its promise TAVLIT adds yet another innovative and patented automatic disc filter.
The TVDD series of double elements filters combines high quality depth filtration with unique flushing mode.
The filter is equipped with specially designed venturi devices installed at the spine’s inlets that introduce air during the flushing process to enhance it. the mixture of air and water enables more efficient flushing, uses smaller quantities of water for flushing and shortens the flushing time. It also enables proper flushing at a low pressure. The use of air also cushions the discs thereby reducing friction and prolonging the disc element life. The venturi devices insert air from the atmosphere and no external power or compressed air is required. They are open only during flushing and do not operate during filtration.
The combination of high-quality in-depth filtration with large area together with efficient water saving flushing gives the user a unique tool to handle high quantities of dirt load and trouble-free irrigation. TVLIT offers complete filtration batteries tailor made to meet customers' needs.
The TVDD joins the line of high- quality filters that includes the patented TVD series of single element automatic disc filter with venturi devices. The TDS – a unique and patented semi-automatic disc filter. And the other high quality automatic, semi-automatic and manual filters – all designed and manufactured for trouble free operation. TAVLIT-Smart Filtration.