eXXtreme Tape® is an Irritec brand driptape with the largest filtration surface in the world.
. The presence of the double continuous filter on the whole length of the dripline allows excellent uniformity of supply and wetting even in the event of water with a high quantity of solid particles. It is ideal for very close plantation density and on sandy and highly draining ground, thanks to the possibility of drip points with reduced spacing. It is the result of a unique extrusion process, avoiding problems linked to welding. eXXtreme Tape® is characterized by an excellent resistance to traction and to pressure peaks, even on minimum thicknesses. The particular design of the labyrinth allows very long lengths to be obtained with maximum uniformity. Its excellent filtration capacity allows for the use of a wider variety of fertilizers, including water soluble ones. eXXtreme Tape® is also a certified product according to UNI EN ISO 9261:2010. Irritec