The next European Irrigation Association (EIA) Forum will be held online on Friday 14 February 2025 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm CET.
Main topics :
1- Water Pumping Institute, Eurotour 2025
2- Carbon Credits: how to make it real for farmers?
At a time when global changes are accelerating in various aspects of economic, political and social life, opportunities for exchange between water and irrigation experts are becoming increasingly important. What's more, against a backdrop of global warming and dwindling water resources in many parts of the world, the need to make our industry more sustainable is becoming ever more important. This is the aim of the EIA Irrigation Forums.
The Irrigation Forum is an event held 4 times a year to cover a range of relevant topics concerning the irrigation sector in Europe. In addition to the professional program, the forum also offers participants the opportunity to meet (this time virtually...) and strengthen their network with European colleagues.
This time, we'll be looking at sustainable pumping, a holistic approach to the energy efficiency of pumping systems. Join the WATER PUMPING INSTITUTE for an exciting presentation of its approach to sustainable pumping for irrigation, a course that will be presented in Europe in May 2025.
Learn about some of the concepts and software that are bringing sustainable pumping to the irrigation industry. And it's not just about the pump!
Based on Rob's 57 years of experience in water pumping, find out why this course is changing the way people think about irrigation pumping systems, paving the way for significant energy and water savings.
The second part of the forum will deal with carbon credits and how to make them real for farmers.
Introduction by EIA President, Moshi Berenstein.
Welcome to the new members, by EIA Communication Officer, Fleur Martin.
Guest Speaker: Robert Welke, Water Pumping Institute : “Water Pumping Institute, Eurotour 2025” .
Innovation & Technology session : Jonathan Baravir, Rivulis : “Carbon credits, how to make it real for farmers ?”
Open session for Q&A.
The Irrigation Forum is an event open to all industry professionals and visitors who are interested in technology, sustainability & innovation in the irrigation sector.
The conference will be held in English. The participation is free of charge and you are welcome to send the invitation to your colleagues.
Link to register :
EIA WINTER IRRIGATION FORUM : Water Pumping Institute, Eurotour 2025 - EIA