Aqua-Disc filters
The New automatic self-cleaning Aqua-Disc filters from Automat Irrigation utilize extensively field tested 2” and 3” disc filters, combined with the newly developed “Telescopic Core” (TC) that creates the most efficient back-flushing cleaning system in the filters.

Aqua-Disc filters
The New automatic self-cleaning Aqua-Disc filters from Automat Irrigation utilize extensively field tested 2” and 3” disc filters, combined with the newly developed “Telescopic Core” (TC) that creates the most efficient back-flushing cleaning system in the filters.
This newly designed TC uses an advance internal manifold system that is connected to specially designed orifices that deliver forceful jets of water to get the perfect cleaning action even in low pressure condition. The Aqua-Disc systems can manifold up to 4 filters in a single system together to address high flowrates requirements.
The system is delivered to the customer with the newly developed prefabricated plastic manifold, automatic back flush valves and a BLE controller. Aqua Disc filters are also available with manual valves for Semi-Automatic operation.
The Aqua-Disc system is most effective in protecting drip systems from water sources containing organic suspended solids as well as silt and clay.