Senninger : IA’s Vanguard Award Selected Close-Spaced LEPA Installations


Close-Spaced LEPA Installations: Saving Water and Energy and Increasing Yields, was selected in the Agriculture category of the Irrigation Association’s new Vanguard Award. The Vanguard Award was established in 2017 to honor a team of individuals, companies, organizations or other group entities that have spear­headed or been involved with a completed, inno­vative ins­tallation project in the irri­gation industry.

Close Spacing LEPA (Low Energy Precision Applica­tion) takes tech­nology that began in the 1980’s and adds product innovations which alter the appli­cation pattern. Then it reduces the spacing bet­ween the hose drops to 40 inches or less to distribute water over most of the soil sur­face. These LEPA sys­tems gently deliver water from a height of 8 to 18 inches above the ground to combat wind drift and prevent evaporation loss. Conservation tillage practices further help prevent evaporation loss, and run-off by holding the water in the rows until the soil can absorb it. As a result, Close Spacing LEPA achieves application efficiencies typically exceeding 95 percent.

