Metzer Establishes Its First Factory in China

In keeping with its strategy to sell dripline production technology and develop new markets worldwide, Metzer decides in January 2014 to establish its first production factory in China. The site chosen for the factory is the town of Shenyang, the largest town in North East China and a main transportation and commercial center.

In October 2015 Metzer and CNYD sign a contract and esta­blish a joint ven­ture – Shenyang Yuanda Metzer Irri­gation Indus­tries Co. Ltd. (YDMZ). In February 2016, while CNYD begins building the factory, Metzer manufactures the drip­line produc­tion lines and trans­ports them to China.

The factory in China began dripline pro­duction in January 2017 so that the Chi­nese farmers start using drip irrigation technology  this season.

