Daniel Peyraube elected as the AGPM President

The AGPM Board of Directors met today in Paris and elected the organisa­tion’s new President. Daniel Peyraube has been a farmer in the Landes region for twenty years, now managing 130 hectares with his wife and two children.  He grows grain maize, seed maize and sweet corn and they also keep livestock (Blonde d’Aquitaine beef cattle) and poultry on the farm. 
Daniel Peyraube (aged 43) has already held a number of positions of responsibi­lity with professional unions, economic organisations and chambers of agriculture. 
At national level, Daniel Peyraube has been a non-exe­cutive director of AGPM and a member of the Board for ten years. After holding the positions of Treasurer and Secretary General, he was appointed Deputy Vice-President last year. 
At local and regional level, he is the FDSEA Secretary General for the Landes region, a member of the Landes Chamber of Agriculture and a Director of the cooperative group Maïsadour. 
After holding the ;post of AGPM President for seventeen years, Christophe Terrain announced on 11th February, at the last Sommet du Végétal conference (Crop-growing summit), that he wished to hand over the reins to someone else. The Board of Directors expressed its gratitude for his dedicated commitment to maize producers, maize-growing in general and related sectors, his enormous efforts made in representation of the association and his genuine and selfless motivation, working with discipline and integrity and always within the broader scope of the collective interest of the group, which is his hallmark.  Christophe Terrain will continue to work loyally as an advocate for maize and, more generally, he will strive to achieve progress and agronomic innovation in his capacity as President of the Arvalis agricultural research institute.
