Our first impression is that there is no lack of water in France.
Historic amounts of rainfall, high groundwater levels, floods… There is water everywhere.
I get up every morning, I go to the bathroom, just like everyone else, and when I flush the toilet I am very pleased to be able to say: “Phew, at least we have plenty of water”… So, I won’t have to go to the bottom of the garden tomorrow morning.

Our first impression is that there is no lack of water in France.
Historic amounts of rainfall, high groundwater levels, floods… There is water everywhere.
I get up every morning, I go to the bathroom, just like everyone else, and when I flush the toilet I am very pleased to be able to say: “Phew, at least we have plenty of water”… So, I won’t have to go to the bottom of the garden tomorrow morning.
So, if this water was as scarce and valuable as they say, then shouldn’t we be thinking about recovering it? We cannot presume that the sharks of the water companies have not been investing in this for years since they have the financial clout to enable them to do so.
Yes, our role as a professional is to save water because it has a cost for each one of us, that is simply public-spiritedness, thus our role is to optimise the amount applied so as to have healthy plants.
However, our role, above all, is to consume water so that it can be restored to its original state, in the soil, the sky, the plants. This is all part of being involved in the living world.
Global warming is a much-discussed issue, as well as the heat that accrues in the cities. What better solution than using water and plants to lower the temperature.
The irrigation professionals in France have a vital role to play in the “real” ecology.
Synaa has begun a new year, with even more aims and objectives. It has a number of new members. We welcome Somair Gervat, the distribution giant, and Solem, a French manufacturer of smart remote-controlled programmers. There are two new installers, Alp arrosage, the well-known company from Savoie and Enes, a member from Lorraine.
As spring approaches, we wish you all an excellent season.