Rain Bird : LNK Wifi Module


LNK WiFi Module. This plug-and-play WiFi accessory upgrades Rain Bird’s ESP-Me and ESP-RZXe controllers to WiFi capability. It gives homeowners and contractors the freedom to enable WiFi control at installation or to upgrade to WiFi later by simply inserting the module into the accessory port on their controller and downloading a free mobile app. Customers can manage irrigation from their mobile device, anywhere, anytime. They’ll also receive alerts and access to advanced water management tools like automatic seasonal adjustments based on the weather. 


LNK WiFi Module. This plug-and-play WiFi accessory upgrades Rain Bird’s ESP-Me and ESP-RZXe controllers to WiFi capability. It gives homeowners and contractors the freedom to enable WiFi control at installation or to upgrade to WiFi later by simply inserting the module into the accessory port on their controller and downloading a free mobile app. Customers can manage irrigation from their mobile device, anywhere, anytime. They’ll also receive alerts and access to advanced water management tools like automatic seasonal adjustments based on the weather.