Global warming is one of the major perils of the XXI century. There is an immediate danger. Since 1995, the world’s average temperature has increased by 0.4 degrees and sea levels have risen by 8 centimetres. The growing number of weather-related disasters and their increasing intensity have characterised the year 2017: uncontrollable fires, floods and tropical cyclones causing damage estimated at several billions of dollars.

Global warming is one of the major perils of the XXI century. There is an immediate danger. Since 1995, the world’s average temperature has increased by 0.4 degrees and sea levels have risen by 8 centimetres. The growing number of weather-related disasters and their increasing intensity have characterised the year 2017: uncontrollable fires, floods and tropical cyclones causing damage estimated at several billions of dollars. The best way of saving our planet will be through the technologies themselves rather than relying on COP 21 and COP 22 (Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), which been disappointing in terms of their outcome. As far as we are concerned, in the agriculture and irrigation sector, the manufacturers are tirelessly working to come up with new methods of low-flow and low-pressure irrigation, remote irrigation scheduling and plant water stress detection. Consequently, the management and control of water and soil resources will, with an eco-friendly irrigation strategy, lead to a level of growth that is sustainable and appropriate for humankind and the environment.
All of the team at Irrigazette wishes you a Happy New Year!