Netafim offers the 3 technologies already present on the market (screen/disk/sand) to ensure the best protection for an irrigation system, whatever the water source or quality. The range of screen technology filters is currently being updated. These new families of screen filters have a larger filtration area to retain even more particles and prevent them getting into the system thus the uniformity of irrigation will not be adversely affected. The backflushing frequency is also reduced. Thus, there will be less filter wear and the life span will be prolonged. There is optimal efficiency.

Netafim offers the 3 technologies already present on the market (screen/disk/sand) to ensure the best protection for an irrigation system, whatever the water source or quality. The range of screen technology filters is currently being updated. These new families of screen filters have a larger filtration area to retain even more particles and prevent them getting into the system thus the uniformity of irrigation will not be adversely affected. The backflushing frequency is also reduced. Thus, there will be less filter wear and the life span will be prolonged. There is optimal efficiency. 1 – The ScreenGuard™ manual filters: This filter has a plastic housing and is designed to have a maximum working pressure of PN8 (8 bar). Having one of the largest filtration areas on the market means that a very large number of particles are removed from the irrigation system and the operating costs are lower because of the longer intervals between cleaning cycles. The screen is cleaned in a traditional manner and manually, by stopping irrigation and when the system is depressurised, removing the screen for cleaning. 2 - ScreenGuard™ semi-automatic filters: this version has the same PN8 housing and it also has an extensive filtration area with the addition of a well-designed semi-automatic screen cleaning mechanism. The semi-automatic cleaning function offers the operator a rapid and simple method of cleaning the filter screen without having to stop irrigation and open the filter manually. This function can be added to the manual version. 3 - ScreenGuard™ automatic filters: the distinguishing feature of this series is also its very large available and effective filtration area and it is rugged and reliable in every aspect. The housing here is made of epoxy-coated steel (PN10). The largest filtration area on the market offers farmers the best protection for their irrigation systems. It also allows for long intervals between back-flushing operations, even when the water quality is poor. This results in better protection because of a more efficient self-cleaning system. The pressure differential (∆P) command that activates the system at the optimum moment and the automation of this back-flushing process are managed by an original and innovative controller, which communicates with the mobile phone via Bluetooth, thus extending the programming possibilities in a more convenient and secure manner for the operators.