During 2 hours sessions, we attended very interesting presentations whose main themes were Water use efficiency of Irrigation systems. This forum attracted 65 participants from Europe and Turkey.
Course of the forum :
Moshi Berenstein, EIA President started by an introduction about The EU taxonomy for sustainable activities. For reminder, the EU taxonomy as a classification system that establishes the rules for sustainable economic activities, a common language and a clear definition of what is ‘sustainable. EU Taxonomy doesn’t apply today to the irrigation sector, but Analytical work was prepared by WG1 on the realization of a working plan how the sector should approach the Taxonomy classification process to open channels to our members to public green funds & subsidies. This work will result in a policy paper that will serve the EIA for the long-term both internally and externally in advocacy terms.
Then, Fleur Martin, the EIA Communication Officer, welcomed 8 new members, who have recently joined the EIA : DVS Beregnung, Gardena, Hanan Itzkovitch as individual, IDBD, Ocmis, Pipelife, Poelsan, Wiseconn.
This introduction was followed by 2 presentations :
- Guest Speaker: Claire Serra Wittling, Inrae : “Water Use efficiency of Irrigation Systems”. This presentation was divided in 3 parts : 1. What is irrigation water use efficiency? 2. How to save irrigation water? 3. What irrigation water savings can be expected?
- Innovation & Technology session : Paolo Antini, Sentek : « When and how much to water ?». He more precisely did a presentation about the New tools for multilevel probes data interpretation.
The presentations were followed by an interactive questions and answers sessions. Many questions were asked to the two speakers.
For those who are not yet members, we invite you to join EIA, to promote the continued development of irrigation products, practices and services, and to advocate for sustainable industry standards and water management policies that lead to a stable legal environment for irrigation professionals.
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