RAIN SPA : I Dial Outdoor Rechargeable

The rechargeable I-dial controller, embeds the RAIN philosophy for easy and intuitive programming in 3steps and embraces the values of environmental sustainability using renewable energies. The lithium battery can be recharged via a solar panel or by the new and exclusive water turbine which recovers the kinetic energy generated by the speed of the water inside the pipes of the system itself.

The rechargeable I-dial controller, embeds the RAIN philosophy for easy and intuitive programming in 3steps and embraces the values of environmental sustainability using renewable energies. The lithium battery can be recharged via a solar panel or by the new and exclusive water turbine which recovers the kinetic energy generated by the speed of the water inside the pipes of the system itself. The I-dial rechargeable controller guarantees multiple advantages, including independence from the electricity grid that allows installation in remote places not reached by the current, reduced maintenance times for the control and replacement of batteries and the reduction of pollution due to the disposal of batteries considered special hazardous waste. Finally, the flexible programming with 4 programs, irrigation times from 1 to 240 minutes and the possibility of watering for days of the week or intervals of days makes this controller ideal for eco-sustainable residential applications.