PCJ PRO™. A new self-piercing/inserted dripper has inherited the qualities of its predecessors while offering more innovative features

PCJ PRO™. A new self-piercing/inserted dripper has inherited the qualities of its predecessors while offering more innovative features
The new PCJ Pro™ extends the existing range of PCJ (PC Junior) and PC self-regulating inserted drippers. The Pro has added to these best sellers on the world market an even better resistance to the risk of clogging with an optimised technology (wider labyrinth, with a more sophisticated pre-filter and an improved regulating chamber…) and even stronger materials (silicone membrane treated to provide greater resistance to problematic water and harsh chemicals). However, there is now an anti-drain version, which is widely used on soilless crops, with far higher closing pressures than those used up to now, allowing for far more precise pulse irrigation, while easily eliminating the risks of draining of the pipes between two irrigation cycles, which can have dire consequences for crops grown on sloping land. It will soon be available in different versions: barbed connected for use on a single outlet with the traditional 3⁄5 mm LDPE micro-tubing, or with a conical nipple outlet intended for multi-outlet assemblies (Manifolds, so-called « spider » fittings), with several flow rates (currently 1.2 and 2 l/h) and above all several anti-drain versions (LCL = low closing pressure of 0.15 bar, or HCNL = high closing pressure of 0.25 bar).