The European Irrigation Association invites you to attend its virtual forum on Friday 26 January 2024.

The next European Irrigation Association (EIA) Forum will be held online on 26 January 2024 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm CET.
Main topic : Plant, soil and water ...a look at the rhizosphere.
At the time of accelerated global change in various aspects of business, politics and social life, the opportunities to exchange between water & irrigation experts is becoming more and more important. This is the purpose of the EIA’s Irrigation Forums.
The Irrigation Forum is a gathering event held 3 times a year with the aim to cover a range of relevant topics concerning the Irrigation Sector in Europe. As well as the professional program, the forum also provides an opportunity for the participants to meet each other (these days virtually…) and to strengthen their network with European colleagues.
This time, we'll be looking at the soil and the plant. Droughts are likely to recur more frequently in the near future, on a large scale and in a variety of pedoclimatic contexts. This calls for the development of farming, and more generally planting, systems that are more water-efficient and more resistant to water deficits, an important pillar of the agroecological transition. To meet this challenge, we need to deepen our knowledge of the morphological and functional traits of the plant in its environment that could improve resistance to water deficit, and this not only at aerial level but also underground: the environment influenced by the roots, the rhizosphere.
The Irrigation Forum is an event open to all industry professionals and visitors who are interested in technology, sustainability & innovation in the irrigation sector.
- Introduction by EIA President, Moshi Berenstein.
- Welcome to the new members, EIA Communication Officer, Fleur Martin
- Guest Speaker: Annette Berard, Research director in INRAE : “Plant, soil and water ...a look at the rhizosphere". We are questioning the rhizosphere as an agroecological lever among nature-based solutions to manage or mitigate water deficits. We are focusing on water-saving agricultural practices in the context of climate change. This presentation reports on our scientific work on the subject.
- Innovation & Technology session – Andreas Maurer, CEO of DVS Beregnung GmbH, Tübingen, Germany: « Smarter than just ET - Digital-Twin for designing and operating irrigation systems ». The concept of using digital twins for irrigation involves creating a virtual 2d model of a garden, integrating detailed data about the irrigation system, plant types, soil composition, and living environment. Unlike tradi-tional smart controllers that rely heavily on initial user input and weather data to schedule irrigation, this approach considers a broader range of factors, including the soil, vegetation up to soil moisture levels.
- Open session for Q&A.
The conference will be held in English. The participation is free of charge and you are welcome to send the invitation to your colleagues.
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