The Conference was a real success, with almosT 80 participants from European countries, but also from China, India, Russia, United States, Israël.
For 2 hours, we attended to very interesting presentations held by key-note figures of the world of irrigation, giving to the participants a global vision of the current issues facing our industry.

These key-note speakers developed some very concerning thematics for European and international actors of our Industry :
• Mr.Damir Čizmek, President of the European Irrigation Association presented datas about water use in the world and about European Irrigation market. He also presented the activity of the European Irrigation Association, in standardization, training and water policy framework.
• Ms. Bettina Döser, Head of Unit Clean Water at DG ENV of the European Commission presented the “European Green Deal and the opportunities for sustainable water management in agriculture”.
• Ms. Deborah Hamlin, CEO of the Irrigation Association (USA) presented the famous US Irrigation Association, its multiple activities and the impact of 2020 's events on the U.S. Irrigation Industry (US elections and Covid 19 crisis).
• Mr.Ji Zhang, Director of the Irrigation Association of China, presented the incredible development of the Irrigation Industry in China during the last 20 years, counting now many manufacturers in all the product categories, in both agriculture and landscape. Over 750 companies are manufacturing and/or installing drip irrigation, 20 companies are able to manufacture center pivots and linears, and 50 companies are producing travelers.
• Mr Adriano Battilani,Secretary General of Irrigants d’Europe made a presentation about the “Post Covid-19 challenges for Irrigated Agriculture”
The presentations were followed by an interactive Q&A session with many questions from the participants. Most of the participants stayed online during the entire conference.
The success of the EIA’s Irrigation Conference shows that there is a real expectation for the European industry professionals having more information about international and European trends of our industry and water policy frameworks.
At the time of growing concerns for complex environmental challenges of the future, the opportunities to exchange between experts is becoming more and more important. And this is particularly true during this period of Covid 19, without any real opportunity to meet for the actors of our industry.
Following the Irrigation Forum, the EIA held its annual General Assembly. M. Moshi Berenstein, General manager of Netafim France, was elected as President of the EIA for the next 3 years. The members of the Board was also (re)elected, and It was the occasion for the Associatiuon to develop the perspectives 2021 and beyond.
We invite you to join the EIA, to promote the continued development of products, practices and services in irrigation, and to advocate for sustainable industry standards and water management policies that lead to a stable legal environment for irrigation profesionnals.
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