The extraordinary public health situation and economic turmoil that we have gone through is going to take its toll and shape the future of generations to come.

A new world is emerging. The financial crisis that we are experiencing is destroying our values and making our companies extremely vulnerable.
However, amidst all this disorder and chaos, a number of trends are emerging and without doubt the most important aspect is the fact that new technologies have appeared on the market, which will allow us to envisage a clean future.
In this issue, you will discover a number of new products aimed at protecting the environment.
Furthermore, Irrigazette is celebrating its two hundredth edition and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all our loyal advertisers for supporting us throughout the years.
And, as we always have done in the past, we will continue to work towards making the planet greener and more welcoming.
So here’s wishing you a Happy New Year and let’s hope that 2024 sees the end of this difficult period.