This year’s gathering of irrigation professionals from around the world will take place Nov. 27-Dec. 1 in San Antonio, Texas, and will bring plenty of opportunities to explore, connect and learn. The annual Irrigation Show is an unparalleled event in the industry offering unique access to the latest in irrigation technology, valuable education opportunities and networking within a specialized community of your peers. The best part is that it all happens in one location – this year with the backdrop of beautiful San Antonio to experience throughout the week.

Nonstop action on the exhibit floor
The exhibit floor is the central point of activity for the Irrigation Show. This year we are taking it to a new level by offering even more exciting events, education opportunities and new areas to explore directly on the exhibit floor. With the success of last year’s Innovation Hub area, we are expanding to two Innovation Hubs in 2023. These areas on the exhibit floor will host a variety of live presentations during the trade show hours. The IA Pavilion is another new addition. This 360-degree hub will be located in the center of the exhibit floor and offer access to IA information, books, resources, free print publications and special programming. IA members will also get access to a Member Lounge with a complimentary headshot station and exclusive prizes and giveaways.
Irrigation technology & innovation on display
Those walking the exhibit floor will find hundreds of exhibitors representing landscape and agriculture irrigation and landscape lighting companies. This provides the unique opportunity to see and touch products and get your questions answered from knowledgeable company representatives. A special Innovation Row section of the exhibit floor will be included featuring irrigation technology startup companies. These startups will compete in a Pitch Competition where they will present their new innovative ideas live in the Innovation Hubs. Attendees are invited to come watch the presentations and judging. The winner will be announced during the General Session. The 2023 New Product Contest will showcase the best new products and technologies to hit the market in the last year. Not only will show attendees be able to see these new products in person in the new product contest area of the exhibit hall, but they will also be able to sit in on the presentations and judging of the contest. This year, judging will be held live and in-person in the Innovation Hub areas. The winners will be announced during the General Session. This contest has been expanded this year to recognize innovative achievement from companies of different sizes. As usual, contest entries are accepted in three categories: agriculture irrigation, landscape irrigation and landscape lighting. This year, two awards will be presented in each category — one recognizing a winner with annual revenue of less than $20 million and the other with annual revenue greater to or equal to $20 million.
Education opportunities
Industry Insights returns to the 2023 Irrigation Show, but this year they will be presented live on the exhibit floor in the Innovation Hubs. Industry Insights includes presentations by irrigation experts on topics that are important to those working in the industry, such as the latest irrigation trends, business growth and practices, technology and innovation, government regulations and advocacy issues, sustainability and more. By offering these panel discussions and presentations on the exhibit floor, attendees can easily browse exhibits and watch these short presentations all during their time at the show. A schedule of Industry Insights presentations is included on the Irrigation Show website. IA University courses will be offered through the show week. These classes consist of core curriculum for core skill sets and are offered every year to teach the foundational and practical skills necessary to design, install or maintain an irrigation system, as well as the business skills to manage a small irrigation company. These classes require an additional fee and preregistration.
Making connections
Networking and connecting with others in the industry is an extra bonus at the Irrigation Show, and the IA provides numerous events to meet and network with others in a relaxed and entertaining setting. The River Walk Fiesta kicks the show off in true San Antonio style and the Craft Brewfest will toast to the show’s success as the exhibit floor begins to wind down. The General Session and breakfast is a pinnacle event during the week. It will include a thought-provoking industry discussion, honor the IA award winners and announce the 2023 New Product Contest and Pitch Contest winners. Other special events are planned throughout the week to connect attendees with smaller groups of peers with similar interests. The First-Timers Roundtable, Women in Irrigation Breakfast and Young Professionals Social offer relaxed networking opportunities while presenting valuable insights from special guest speakers and respected panels.
Experience San Antonio
Also known as Alamo City, this southern U.S. destination is rich in culture, history and unique attractions. Check out the impressive natural wonders, award-winning cuisine and beautiful culture the city has to offer. A private, guided river cruise along the San Antonio River Walk is available to Irrigation Show attendees for an additional fee and requires preregistration.
Register now!
2023 Irrigation Show registration and housing are now open. Show registration gives you access to the exhibit floor, Industry Insights, the General Session and breakfast, and social and networking events. Go to for more information, instructions related to international travel and to register. We look forward to seeing you at the biggest and best trade show all about irrigation
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