Bauer and the new sales trio in France

The Bauer Group, a specialist in irrigation and slurry handling, provides the best possible service to all its customers, whether in Australia, Brazil, China or even France. Following an increase in demand, the aim now is to develop its market presence in this country. From now on, three new sales executives will be responsible for achieving this objective: Maarten Tromp for the western region, Francois-Xavier Sailly for the Centre and North of the country and Florian Lutz for eastern France.

Their diversified professional experience makes these three

a formidable force

Practical experience is an important prerequisite for an internationally active company such as the Bauer Group. The same applies for the new sales executives appointed for France: Maarten Tromp, Dutch by birth but resident in France for more than 2 decades, he has already worked in the agricultural sector for many years and, therefore, he has significant expertise in this sector.

The same applies to Florian Lutz, born in Alsace, who has already acquired a lot of professional expertise in agriculture as a result of his long experience in the distribution of materials and equipment used in tree crop production, wine growing and livestock farming.

The third sales executives appointed in France is Francois-Xavier Sailly: Born and raised on a farm in the north of France, he had already acquired considerable practical experience in agriculture by working on his parents’ farm. He then joined working with a major local dealer selling agricultural machinery and irrigation systems, particularly hose reels.

