The next European Irrigation Association (EIA) Forum will be held online on Friday 21 June 2024 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm CET.
Main topics :
The opportunities and difficulties for Carrefour to seize the stakes of water optimisation in its producers.
Textile water storage & Underground irrigation system
Against a backdrop of climate emergency and dwindling water resources, the opportunities to exchange between water & irrigation experts is becoming more and more important. This is the purpose of the EIA’s Irrigation Forums.
The Irrigation Forum is a gathering event held 4 times a year with the aim to cover a range of relevant topics concerning the Irrigation Sector in Europe. As well as the professional program, the forum also provides an opportunity for the participants to meet each other (these days virtually…) and to strengthen their network with European colleagues.
This time, we will be looking at Certification of Quality that includes not only pesticide and fertilizers but also water. Since 2015, Carrefour has been committed to agroecology with its own brand Carrefour quality Line in which 100% of the products will have an agroecology approach. In this approach, inputs, soil and biodiversity are included in the specification books and they now want to include more requirements to promote water optimisation. This intervention to present how Carrefour tried to understand this subject and how they want to work on optimization of water in irrigation with producers.
- Introduction by EIA President, Moshi Berenstein.
- Welcome to the new members, EIA Communication Officer, Fleur Martin
- Guest Speaker: Louis du Lac de Fugères, “The opportunities and difficulties for Carrefour to seize the stakes of water optimisation in its producers”. Since 2015, Carrefour has been committed to agroecology with its own brand Carrefour quality Line in which 100% of the products will have an agroecology approach. In this approach, inputs, soil and biodiversity are included in the specification books and they now want to include more requirements to promote water optimization
- Innovation & Technology session – Dorothea Sulzbacher, Lite soil Gmbh : “Textile water storage & Underground irrigation system. Underground irrigation systems with full-surface geotextiles have been known in Europe for around 30 years. Compared to above-ground systems, they use significantly less water as evaporation is eliminated and capillary water distribution takes place directly at the roots. Newer systems do not use full-surface geotextiles, but cut water storage nonwovens in net form. This prevents a barrier effect and roots can grow unhindered through the spaces between the nets and thus dock onto the water storage on all sides. Dorothea Sulzbacher's presentation will compare the different systems with each other and show ways of saving water in a targeted manner
- Open session for Q&A.
The Irrigation Forum is an event open to all industry professionals and visitors who are interested in technology, sustainability & innovation in the irrigation sector.
The conference will be held in English. The participation is free of charge and you are welcome to send the invitation to your colleagues.
Link to register :